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A custom Debian live ISO with security tools, no GUI, only Bash.

About BashCore

BashCore is a custom Debian-based live ISO designed for security professionals, networking enthusiasts, and students. It features a minimalist design with no graphical interface, relying entirely on Bash for operation.

BashCore provides a fresh environment on every boot, making it ideal for students to practice security, networking, and system administration skills without risk. Its lightweight nature also makes it perfect for VirtualBox and other virtual machines, ensuring smooth performance even on systems with limited resources.

The ISO includes a curated selection of tools for penetration testing, network analysis, and system diagnostics. Built using Debian's live-build framework, BashCore is stable, customizable, and adheres to open-source principles.

Whether you’re learning the basics or need a reliable tool for advanced tasks, BashCore offers a streamlined, efficient command-line experience.



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Installation Instructions

Create a Bootable USB with Ventoy

  1. Download Ventoy from the official website and install it on a USB drive.
  2. Copy the BashCore.iso file to the USB drive.
  3. Boot from the USB drive and select BashCore.iso from the Ventoy menu.

Set the Keyboard

sudo dpkg-reconfigure console-data

Connect to Wi-Fi

sudo nmtui

Login Instructions

extra TTYs (TTY7, 8 etc) require login with:

User: user
Password: live

To add more virtual consoles:

sudo systemctl start getty@tty7.service

List of Tools

Compression & Archiving

Network Scanning & Enumeration

Exploitation & Pentesting

Traffic Analysis & Spoofing

Proxy & Anonymity

Programming & Scripting

System Utilities

Text Editors & Development

* Tools marked with an asterisk are located in /opt/



We are not responsible for any illegal use of the software.